6 years ago I found a "weird' spot on my head while I was pregnant with my son. I never went to the doctor for it thinking it was just dry skin or just my scapls weird reaction to waring my hair in a ponytail all the time. I did go in to the doctor once and he told me to put neosporin on it because it just looked like a leason on my scalp. Over the years it got bigger and bigger and soon I got to embarrassed to even go and get my hair cut. A year and a half has come and gone and I knew it was time to either get my hair cut or go back to the doctor. Well the day came I was going in to see the doctor for a check up anyways so I might as well metion the spot on my head. ( in my brain I was trying to minimize the annoying "thing" on my head as much as possible.) The doctor came in and did his thing and when he went to go look at my head he says "ooh wow you do have some hair loss here don't ya" In my head all I could thing was "No No you cant say that its a small "thing" that will be gone in jiffy" The doctor gave me the devastating news that I may have Alopecia Areata and he was sending me to a dermatologist because he really wasnt sure.
Now you have to under stand that I am from a small town. Most of the time to get better medical care we drive an hour and a half east. It isnt that the doctors arent great out here it is just in the "City" they have better/newer equipment easier access to all the fancy tests and things. I had a month till I saw the Dermatologist in the City so for a month Google and I had a love hate relationship. You know what I mean. I am the type of person that is a doctor says he thinks I have something I am going to go home ware out my keyboard and google what he said to try to educate myself. I googled Alopecia Areata TERRIFIED ME! So in my brain I kept thinking noooo he is a small town doctor he only said he thought that is what I had. He is probably totally off base with this one of course mean while I was still googling and scaring my self to no end.
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