Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Flesh eating treatment.

As you know my know I chopped my hair off yesterday in hope of starting treatment for my Folliculitis Decalvans. So yesterday evening I ran to the pharmacy to get my medications. Of course I get there and the topical stuff was ready but the antibiotic was stuck in insurance stuff. I was cool with that just because for some reason I have a weird feeling with this whole antibiotic for the rest of my life or until the FD becomes inactive.  By no means am I a natural person but I'm not so sure about this one.
      Anyways I made it home with this topical solution that was described by the doctor to me as "like WD-40. Yes you know your in the south when a DOCTOR compares anything to WD-40! Can I just say if it would have come with the tiny straw thing on the end like WD-40 it would have made it easier. The topical solution comes in a bottle that looks like an eye dropper container. Instructions are to squirt on area and rub it in 2 times a day. MY ISSUES with this .....#1 How am I supposed to rub it in when my hair is there all I can kinda get done is patting it so it doesn't run. An d also almost half of my head has FD on it I feel like I might as well take a bath in this stuff!....... #2 I was nervous about how it would make my hair look ... yep 1 day of applications look about like  3 day unwashed hair. and last but not least.... #3 IT STINGS!! DEAR GUSSY does it sting!! Yes 2 times a day I have to cover my head in what feels more like Flesh Easting Topical solution!!! You know when something stings and it subsides a little and then it itches for a little while after? YA as if my head didn't itch enough this Flesh eating solution makes it worse! Gotta love modern medicine......or not.

     I would like to mention I received so much love and support yesterday when revealing my "situation." Only a handful of family and friends knew what was going on before yesterday. Its not like I was afraid of being shunned or anything but as state in a previous post I was trying to down play it as much as possible especially until I had all the facts. We told the kids that I just have an ouchie on my head that I need to put medicine on all the time. I am so grateful for all the kind words the kind words. I know Im gonna kick this stuffs booty with the love and prayers of my army of supporters.

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