Saturday, July 19, 2014

Positive Polly meet Negative Nancy

The last few days have been frustrating to say the very least. Positive Polly went on vacation and Negative Nancy is using my brain as her personal play ground. The negative thoughts make in almost impossible to function. They seem to strangle me in to submission. In these times I usually pray so much it feels like I pray all day. Today has been one of those days. I skipped a family gathering because of all the worrying and negative thoughts going threw my brain today over whelming me like a flood. As soon as my husband and kids left I turned on some good o praise music. I connect to songs a lot. I sit here listening to Hold me Jesus by Rich Mulllins and Architecture by Jonathan Thulin over and over. I want the only overwhelming flood in my life to be the love of Jesus Christ.  As the song Hold me Jesus says I want Jesus to be my prince of peace I want him to overwhelm me with his peace and presence. Architecture has been a favorite of mine because its so true. We are so focused on the broken pieces we fail to see the the beauty in the small but significant building block God has put in out lives. Its no coincidence that because you made one decision something else fell in to place. God has built us up so far and if we could just get past our current hardship and look back at all that God has done for us all those building block set in place we can see the beauty and the grace in the little things he has done for us maybe we wouldn't feel so hopeless when Negative Nancy decides to take a stroll in our minds.
I know this skin condition is just a building block for something great. He has not left me nor forsaken me.
Jesus loves me this I know.

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